Ph: 07 862 7172

Our Board of Trustees

Goldfields School is fortunate to have a hardworking and supportive Board of Trustees.  Elections are held every three years. The role of the Board is to govern the school in accordance with Acts of Parliament and the School Charter.  Board of Trustee meetings are held monthly and are public meetings.  Dates of the scheduled meetings are advertised in the school newsletter.  Board information and minutes of meetings are available in a folder held in the school reception.

Current Members

  • Janine Hayward

  • Aimee Bartlett (Presiding Member)

  • Donna Preston

  • Cameron McKenzie (Principal)

  • Chantelle Murphy


"Students experience a very positive culture that promotes wellbeing and belonging. ERO observed high levels of student participation and enjoyment in learning tasks and a range of indoor and outdoor activities. There is a strong commitment to providing an environment that recognises the language, culture and identity of individual students. Students are well supported and encouraged to be self-managing and active participants in their learning." - ERO Review Report 2018

ERO is likely to carry out the next review in four-to-five years.